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Im Fishehh!

Fishehh's guide to day 1

Day 1 is the most important day in the game.  If you do not get alot done then, your progress will slow to a standstill, and the zombies
will overrun you quickly.  

This is the best method to Day 1 I have found.
1) Search the wasteland till you find a pharmacy, or another place that is under 10 energy away.  
2) Go there until evening, then search the wasteland again. (Keeps you from burning thirst)
3) Find the pharmacy for sure this time, and ransack the pills.  Use these boosters to keep you running.
4a) Find the asylum and search there until you find the bloody teddy bear.  Mattress is your priority.
4b) Search the inside of the burned house till you find the 1st floor.  Search the first floor for your mattress.
5) Find food and drink. At this point you are going to need it.
6) If possible, dig up the teddy and cloth needed for next level bed.  Good spots are anywhere in the house, or the corner store.  
7) Upgrade your bed as much as possible.  You need it.  Sleep now child, and be strong to fight the apocalypse.

--Fishehh (talk) 14:55, 14 October 2014 (BST)