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  • Pills have a random effect in Hardcore mode, but stay the same for each player. It is advisable to make a table for each game. ;)
  • Taking pills if you are already high will greatly increase your chance of getting addicted.
  • All pills except for Red-Blue may be taken to extend 'drugged' duration. Be careful.

Withdrawal Symptoms (if you are addicted but not high):
Status energy.gif -60% | +10%
Status health.gif -200% | +-0
Status hunger.gif +-0 | -30%
Status thirst.gif +-0 | +100%

Attention.png Taking another pill during the status Drug1.gifDrug Frenzy (4 H, additive → max. 1D:1H) may cause the status Drug2.gif Addicted  !

Pill Effect Notes
Red.gif Red
  • +100 Status energy.gif Energy
  • +100 Status sleepy.gif Fatigue
  • 240 minutes (4h) Drug1.gif Drug Frenzy
SAVE THESE! They refill energy AND fatigue (less sleepy).
Blue.gif Blue
  • +100 Status hunger.gif Hunger
  • +100 Status thirst.gif Thirst
  • 240 minutes (4h) Drug1.gif Drug Frenzy
Meal in a pill.. great after being offline for a long time.

Grit your teeth, close your eyes and down this pill - suddenly, any notion of hunger and thirst dissapears. This sure was useful!

Pink.gif Magenta
  • +100 Status hunger.gif Hunger
  • 10h Status nom.gif Well-Rounded Nutrition
  • 240 minutes (4h) Drug1.gif Drug Frenzy
Nutrient Pill
  • -50% Status hunger.gif for 10 hours
  • effect NOT additive
Beige.gif Beige
  • +100 Status energy.gif Energy
  • +100 Status hunger.gif Hunger
  • +100 Status thirst.gif Thirst
  • +100 Status drunk.gif Alcohol
  • 240 minutes (4h) Drug1.gif Drug Frenzy
Attention.png You're drunk to 100% !

Great in combination with Blackwhite.gif Black-White pill, but be careful to don't get addicted.

Blackwhite.gif Black-White
  • +10 Status health.gif Health
  • -100 Status drunk.gif Drunk
  • 240 minutes (4h) Drug1.gif Drug Frenzy
Health-Sobriety Pill
White.gif White
  • +15 Status health.gif Health
  • -5 Status sleepy.gif Fatigue
  • 240 minutes (4h) Drug1.gif Drug Frenzy

for a Child (Group-Survival):

  • +20 Status health.gif Health
  • -20 Status sleepy.gif Fatigue
  • +10 Status drunk.gif Alcohol
  • 240 minutes (4h) Drug1.gif Drug Frenzy
Health Pill
Turquoise.gif Cyan
  • +25 Status energy.gif Energy
  • +25 Status health.gif Health
  • +25 Status hunger.gif Hunger
  • +25 Status thirst.gif Thirst
  • 240 minutes (4h) Drug1.gif Drug Frenzy


  • -50 Status energy.gif Energy
  • -50 Status health.gif Health
  • 240 minutes (4h) Drug1.gif Drug Frenzy
Turquoise.gif Cyan and Rose.gif Pink Pills can exhibit two effects → a "positive" AND a "negative" one!
With every "tick", they switch their effect around. When one of them has the "positive" effect, the OTHER always has the "negative" one (until the next tick).
Rose.gif Pink
  • +25 Status energy.gif Energy
  • +25 Status health.gif Health
  • +25 Status hunger.gif Hunger
  • +25 Status thirst.gif Thirst
  • 240 minutes (4h) Drug1.gif Drug Frenzy


  • -50 Status energy.gif Energy
  • -50 Status health.gif Health
  • 240 minutes (4h) Drug1.gif Drug Frenzy
Rose.gif Pink and Turquoise.gif Cyan Pills can exhibit two effects → a "positive" AND a "negative" one!
With every "tick", they switch their effect around. When one of them has the "positive" effect, the OTHER always has the "negative" one (until the next tick).
Redpurple.gif Magenta-Red
  • 2h Lsd.gif Heavy Hallucinations
  • 240 minutes (4h) Drug1.gif Drug Frenzy

for a Child (Group-Survival):

  • 4h Lsd.gif Heavy Hallucinations
  • 240 minutes (4h) Drug1.gif Drug Frenzy
May start random fights with fictitious opponent (Hallucinations) like "Snuffophant, Jigsaw Nudists, Romneys, Genital Monsters, Pokémon, Mothers-in-Law".
  • do NOT cause injuries
  • consumes Status energy.gif energy by using energy weapons, ammunition and weapons themselves (Water Bomb, Bauble, Plastic Chair, Windows Phone...)
  • effect NOT additive
  • all killed Hallucinations count as "Kills"
Yellow.gif Yellow
  • 240 minutes (4h) Drug1.gif Drug Frenzy
  • no additional effects!
Very useful if you are addicted and/or on withdrawal.
Black.gif Black
  • Blackout
  • 240 minutes (4h) Drug1.gif Drug Frenzy
Loss almost of all items in the inventory!
  • Empty inventory before using!
Greenred.gif Green-Red
  • -15 Status hunger.gif Hunger
  • -25 Status thirst.gif Thirst
  • 240 minutes (4h) Drug1.gif Drug Frenzy
Green.gif Green
  • -50 Status energy.gif Energy
  • -100 Status sleepy.gif Fatigue
  • 240 minutes (4h) Drug1.gif Drug Frenzy

for a Child (Group-Survival):

  • -80 Status energy.gif Energy
  • -100 Status sleepy.gif Fatigue
  • 240 minutes (4h) Drug1.gif Drug Frenzy
Orange.gif Orange
  • -35 Status health.gif Health
  • 240 minutes (4h) Drug1.gif Drug Frenzy

for a Child (Group-Survival):

  • Killc.gif Instant Death!
Redblue.gif Red-Blue
  • Killc.gif Instant Death!
Does not count towards distinction "Desperate Junkie".
Morphine.gif Morphine

--Storm (talk) 16:05, 15 November 2015 (GMT)